Super Bowl Sunday


I am not a football fan in any form. Never have been and probably never will be. My husband has tried to make me a fan but I’m a baseball girl all the way! There are 3 things that get me excited about the Super Bowl though. 1. The food – eating alllllllll day long. 2. The commercials. 3. The fact that football is over and baseball season is not too far away!!! We have a sick baby so we will be watching the big game at home. I will be sharing some yummy recipes today. Eating low carb can be challening when it comes to party foods, but I have some yummy recipes that everyone will enjoy!

About simple2something

I decided to start a blog because I am a natural “sharer”. I love to share ideas, recipes, thoughts and opinions with everyone I know. I am a working mother with two busy toddlers. I enjoy finding ways to save money and be thrifty. I’m a coupon clipper, sale shopper and DIY enthusiast. I love to cook, decorate, craft and try new things. I'm a Pinterest addict! I love to make homemade gifts and I make and sell Infinity Scarves in my Etsy Store. I recently started a new business, I partnered with two world renowned Doctor's to help people achieve the best skin of their life. I’m just a regular gal who enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling, cooking, decorating, crafting, helping people and trying new things. I hope you enjoy my blog and maybe pick up a few tips or learn something new. You never know when “simple” can turn into “something”.

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